We, the Diaspora

Much is to be said about the diaspora, whether forced political displacements or voluntary transnational mobility, whether expatriate communities deployed for a certain time or immigrant groups for the long haul. We come in varying forms as first- or second-generation, third-culture kids or with mixed heritage. They say: So, here you aretoo foreign for hometoo…

The road less traveled is an enchanting walk

Over sixteen months ago, I would never have imagined my life now. It all started with discontent. But let me be clear that even then I knew I had everything to be grateful for so much that sometimes I ignored that there was a problem. Because despite everything, there was something else lacking, something essential. I guess…

Day 50

Munich. I left my home country and it’s day 50 out of tentatively 730. I left in a rush. With only 2 months notice, I left the life that I’ve known since forever–my family, friends, colleagues in my high profile(?) high paying corporate scientist-project manager job thousands of miles away. I’m technically still employed but…