The Accidental Universe

I read the The Accidental Universe by Alan Lightman last year and it was such an insightful read. It is helpful to read the book slowly, not because of scientific jargon as all the relevant science are explained thoroughly. But read the book slowly to let the thoughts simmer in your head and marvel at the universe and our…

The Book Thief

The Book Thief is an ambitious stab at humanity and one that exceeds expectation such that if there is one story that a growing up person must understand in all their young naïveté and vulnerability, it is this; and if there is still one story an adult must remember in all their grown-up cynicism and…

Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture

Words or phrases in italics below are from Douglas Coupland’s neologisms in his critically acclaimed novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Douglas Coupland’s Generation X is a must-read for every mid-twenties to mid-thirties who are sick of his own veal-fattening pen, for every inconsolably lonely yuppie going through existential isolation, for those who are…