
Hello! My pen name is Laya. I write with my physical German keyboard that I tweaked in the settings to reflect an English keyboard because it is easier to code with the latter.

This is the very loooong soft launch of my online space which contains things that I’ve written throughout the years. I am very slowly putting outputs here and there, not just in terms of written content but also piano recording, and possibly a little bit of photography. Gallery is in the works. This is not the final iteration of this website in WP. I could eventually use Obsidian Publish when I get to establish some regularity to this.

A sidenote

I started dabbling in writing in secondary school for our official campus papers. Thankfully those articles and poems were all printed on physical newspapers and magazines and long gone (this gives away my age right). As a university student in my teens, I used to write for a column in an online community of students and alumni with many other writers and back then, which were all fun and ruckus. Many years later, their servers failed and data were lost so I am actually thankful that were no traces of my articles because now as an adult whose prefrontal cortex is fully matured for over fifteen years, I found them to be cringe with a capital C.

But what about the piano experiments?

I haven’t fully setup the recording with my upright piano. I have been flying back and forth for my studies in another city so it’s quite difficult to make that work yet.

So what’s with the void though?

Oftentimes I write creatively to make sense of the chaos around me, hence the void. The domain name may change though, as there is a whole side of me that is scientific and geeky which I repressed more in my adulthood, if not heavily compartmentalised, because they don’t fall neatly with the creative, quirky, sensitive side of me.